Thursday, March 4, 2010

About setting up a private account/channel on Youtube

I liked my classmates' presentations on various technologies they like to use in their teaching.

About my presentation, I talked about using our private account/channel on Youtube for students to view and evaluate their own videos in order to improve their communication skills. But I realized during the 3-minute presentation, I forgot to introduce how to set it up. Here are the procedures:

If we want to set up a Youtube Channel/ account only for our own class or a small group of friends, we could

1. Click Sign up for YouTube!

2. When filling information, don't click the following two items, otherwise, anyone who have our email address will be invited to go to this channel.

Let others find my channel on YouTube if they have my email address
I would like to receive occasional product-related email communications that YouTube believes would be of interest to me

3. Following the instructions, and then you will have your own chanel where you can upload your own videos privately.

4. Send the account name and password to students in your class, or people you want. So this channel is only accessible to your class, not to the public!

Hope it helps!

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